I've been working on this painting for some time now. I believe this is the longest I have ever actively worked on a painting (outside of the time I put in thinking about them). I noticed this week that I hadn't worked on it and reflected on why. I concluded I had become too attached to the outcome.
This is how it has sat this week.....
It took me a great deal of time to get the floor accurate, the bend in time and space I was looking for. I fidgeted over it for a couple weeks. And though I like the depiction of the bend in time, I've been uncomfortable with the perspective of it.... and the technique I used to paint it, just not me.... so today I took a deep breath and let go and made this adjustment....
My heart is more comfortable with this.
It may not look like much, but I assure you it is, just the process of letting go of the attachment has opened up the painting....
There seems to be more stability in the posture of the body in the previous, but I think that's what makes the slight change somewhat exhilarating for me.... I need to help her (me) find that stability again.
I have an idea for the remainder of the background; have yet to figure out how to execute it though. This painting has been a process indeed. As much as it has made my stomach spin and brain twist, I'm enjoying the ride.